Sophie Gerber

Photo : Sabine Peyruchaud

I am a plant population geneticist and I worked on kinship studies, with both theoretical approaches and application to forest trees.
I am currently working on bringing together the science I have practiced with humanities, and especially with philosophy of biology.
My studied subjects remain plants, trees, and I am interested in analysing the importance they take in biological sciences and more precisely in the relationships we build with them.

Biogeco - Biodiversity, genes and communities
INRA - Université de Bordeaux
Bâtiment B2 - 1st floor
Allée Geoffroy St-Hilaire Map
CS 50023
33615 Pessac - France
33 (0)5 40 00 89 75
sophie.gerber at u-bordeaux dot fr


Image : Lokz Phoenix

Plant genetics - Population genetics - Gene flow - Forest trees -
Evolution - Genetic markers - Genetic mapping – QTL
Philosophy and history of biology

Master LoPhiSC, Université Paris 1 Sorbonne, philosophy of sciences (2013)
♦ Habilitation at Université de Bordeaux (2006)
♦ PhD Thesis at Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon (1992)
♦ Engineer's Degree from INA P.G. (1986-1989)

Academic appointments
August 2000 - present: INRA researcher, Biogeco (INRA, Université de Bordeaux), Cestas, since 2017, Pessac
▪ 1998-2000: Invited researcher at the Genetics and forest tree improvement laboratory (INRA) Cestas
▪ 1994-1998: Assistant professor of plant genetics at École Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse.
1992-1994: Lecturer at the Université Paris XI, Laboratoire d'Écologie, Systématique et Évolution
▪ 1989-1992: PhD at the Genetics and forest tree improvement laboratory (INRA) Cestas

Member of the Inra group Sciences en questions
♣ Member of the Institute for Philosophy in Biology and Medecine, PhilInBioMed


●  Gerber S. 2024. Les plantes sont-elles "à notre service" ? Comment des images et des mots, associés dans les sphères de la biologie, illustrent une certaine relation au végétal. Revue Essais, 21. DOI  pdf

●  Gerber S., Mariette S. 2023. Les marqueurs du vivant. Terrestres.   pdf

●  Gerber S., Mariette S., Santolini J. 2023. Manifeste pour des savoirs sauvages. lundimatin.   pdf

●  Gerber S., Noûs C. 2023. Pensée végétale et simiesque, liens entre vivants. Arts et sciences, volume 7 (2). Feuilleter en ligne. pdf

  Gerber S. 2022. Préface à l'ouvrage de Petit E., « Science et émotion - Le rôle de l'émotion dans la pratique de la recherche » Éditions Quæ, Collection Sciences en questions.

Gerber S., Hiernaux Q. 2022 Plants as machines: history, philosophy and practical consequences of an idea. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics.  pdf

Leroy T., Gerber S. 2021 « Arbres et forêts, entre corps et cœurs » The Conversation. pdf

Gerber S. 2021. Traduction, chapitre V, Agnes Arber « The natural philosophy of plant form » « La philosophie naturelle de la forme végétale » Cambridge University Press, 1950. Dans Philosophie du végétal, Textes Clés, Hiernaux Q. (ed), Éditions Vrin, Paris. pdf

  Gerber S. 2020. Préface à l'ouvrage de Hiernaux Q., « Du comportement végétal à l’intelligence des plantes ? » Éditions Quæ, Collection Sciences en questions.

  Le groupe Sciences en questions : un espace de réflexion sur les sciences à l’Inra Natures Sciences Sociétés, novembre 2018,  pdf

Gerber S. 2018. An herbiary of plant individuality. PTPBio, Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology, Volume 10 (5)
The herbiary species (Table 6, page 15) are here.

Gerber S. 2018 « Les plantes cultivées cachent-elles la forêt ? » in Hiernaux Q., Timmermans B. (eds), Philosophie du végétal , Paris, Vrin - Annales de l’institut de philosophie de l’université de Bruxelles, ISBN 978-2-7116-2834-6 : 91-114.  Texte    pdf

Gerber S. 2017 « Une plante est un individu » : vérité, exactitude ou abus de langage ?
Cahiers Art et Science, Numéro spécial 9 - revue annuelle
Langage, vérité, exactitude. Pages 121-128. Éditions confluences, Bordeaux ISBN : 978-2-35527-2097

Barret P., Bourguet D., Duée PH., Gerber S., Le Roux X., Tixier-Boichard M. 2016. Regards. Éthique et biodiversité : questions posées à et par la recherche agronomique. Nature Science Société.

Sinclair F.H., Stone G., Nicholls J., Cavers S., Gibbs M., Butterill P., Wagner S., Ducousso A., Gerber S., Petit R.J., Kremer A., Schönrogge K. 2015 Impacts of local adaptation of forest trees on associations with herbivorous insects: implications for adaptive forest management. Evolutionary Applications 8(10), 972–987, doi:10.1111/eva.12329 pdf

Antonecchia G., Fortini P., Lepais O., Gerber S., Léger P., Scippa G. S., Viscosi V. 2015 Genetic structure of a natural oak community in central Italy: Evidence of gene flow between three sympatric white oak species (Quercus, Fagaceae) Annals of Forest Research 58(2) doi:10.15287/afr.2015.415 pdf

Wagner S., Gerber S., Liepelt S., Petit R.J. 2015 Within-range translocations and their consequences in European larch. PLoS ONE doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127516 pdf

Nardin M., Musch B., Rousselle Y., Guérin V., Sanchez L., Rossi J.-P., Gerber S., Marin S., Pâques L.E., Rozenberg P. 2015 Genetic differentiation of European larch along an altitudinal gradient in the French Alps. Annals of Forest Science doi:10.1007/s13595-015-0483-8 pdf

Gerber S., Chadœuf J. Gugerli F.,Lascoux M., Buiteveld J., Cottrell J., Dounavi A., Fineschi S., Forrest L.L., Fogelqvist J., Goicoechea P.G., Jensen J.S., Salvini D., Vendramin G.G., Kremer A. 2014 High rates of gene flow by pollen and seed in oak populations across Europe. PLoS ONE 9(1): e85130. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085130 pdf

Piotti A., Leonardi S., Heuertz M., Buiteveld J., Geburek T., Gerber S., Kramer K., Vettori C., VendraminG.G. 2013. Within-population genetic structure in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands characterized by different disturbance histories: does forest management simplify population substructure? PLoS ONE 8(9): e73391. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073391

Lepais O., Roussel G., Hubert F., Kremer A., Gerber S., 2013. Strength and variability of postmating reproductive isolating barriers between four European white oak species. Tree Genetics & Genomes 9, 841-853.

Viscosi V., Antonecchia G., Lepais O., Fortini P., Gerber S., Loy A. 2012. Leaf shape and size differentiation in white oaks: assessment of allometric relationships among three sympatric species and their hybrids. International Journal of Plant Sciences 173: 875-884.

Wagner S., Gerber S., Petit R.J. 2012. Two highly informative dinucleotide SSR multiplexes for the conifer Larix decidua (European larch). Molecular Ecology Resources 12: 717-725.

Piotti A., Leonardi S., Buiteveld J., Geburek T., Gerber S., Kramer K., Vettori C., Vendramin G.G. 2012. Comparison of pollen gene flow among four European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) populations characterized by different management regimes. Heredity 108 : 322-331. DOI: 10.1038/hdy.2011.77

Lepais O., Gerber S., 2011. Reproductive patterns shape introgression dynamics and species succession within the European white oak species complex. Evolution 65 (1): 156–170. DOI: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2010.01101.x

Wernsdörfer H., Caron H., Gerber S., Cornu G., Rossi V., Mortier F., Gourlet-Fleury S. 2009. Relationships between demography and gene flow and their importance for the conservation of tree populations in tropical forests under selective felling regimes. Conservation Genetics: 1-15. DOI: 10.1007/s10592-009-9983-0

Viscosi V., Lepais O., Gerber S., Fortini P. 2009. Leaf morphological analyses in four European oak species (Quercus) and their hybrids: A comparison of traditional and geometric morphometric methods. Plant Biosystems 143(3): 575 - 587.

Di Vecchi Staraz M., Laucou V., Boursiquot J.-.M., Lacombe T., Varès D., Gerber S., Boselli M., This P., 2009. The kingroup of the cultivar 'Chardonnay' revealed. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 827: 233-238.

Di Vecchi Staraz M., Bruno G., Ortigosa P., Laucou V., Lacombe T., Varès D., Gerber S., Boselli M., This P., 2009. Evidence of gene flow between wild and cultivated grapevine (Vitis vinifera l.) in France . Acta Hort. (ISHS) 827: 103-106.

Lepais O., Petit R.J., Guichoux E., Lavabre J.E., Alberto F., Kremer A., Gerber S., 2009. Species relative abundance and direction of introgression in oaks. Molecular Ecology 18 (10): 2228-2242 ( "News and views - Perspective", Alex Buerkle C. Ecological context shapes hybridization dynamics, 2077-2079), recommanded by "Faculty of 1000", one paragraph dedicated to the paper in "Editorial and retrospective" first issue of Mol Ecol 2010.

Di Vecchi-Staraz M., Laucou V., Bruno G., Lacombe T., Gerber S., Bourse T., Boselli M., This P., 2009. Low level of pollen-mediated gene flow from cultivated to wild grapevine: consequences for the evolution of the endangered subspecies Vitis vinifera L. subsp. silvestris. Journal of Heredity 100(1): 66-75.

Fernandes L., Rocheta M., Cordeiro J., Pereira S., Gerber S., Oliveira M.M., Ribeiro M.M., 2008. Paternity analysis and mating system in a Pinus pinaster Aiton clonal seed orchard using microsatellites. Annals of Forest Science 65 (7): 706.

Rekik I., Salimonti A., Grati Kamoun N., Muzzalupo I., Lepais O., Gerber S., Perri E., Rebai A., 2008. Characterization and Identification of Tunisian Olive Tree Varieties by Microsatellite Markers. HortScience 43: 1371-1376.

Kumar S., Gerber S., Richardson T.E. 2007. Testing for non-random contribution of pollen parents using microsatellites and chloroplast markers in polycross families of Pinus radiata D. Don. Tree Genetics & Genomes 3: 207-214.

Lepais O., Léger V., Gerber S. 2006. High throughput microsatellite genotyping in oak species. Silvae Genetica 55 (4-5): 238-240.

Gerber S., Latouche-Hallé C., Lourmas M., Morand-Prieur M.E., Oddou-Muratorio S., Schibler L., Bandou E., Caron H., Degen B., Frascaria-Lacoste N., Kremer A., Lefèvre F., Musch B. 2004. Flux de gènes par pollen et par graines chez quelques espèces forestières, exemples des chênes, de l'angélique, de l'alisier, du cèdre et du frêne. Rendez-vous technique de l'ONF.

Gerber S., Latouche-Hallé C., Lourmas M., Morand-Prieur M.E., Oddou-Muratorio S., Schibler L., Bandou E., Caron H., Degen B., Frascaria-Lacoste N., Kremer A., Lefèvre F., Musch B. 2004. Mesure directe des flux de gènes en forêt. Actes du 4ème Colloque National "Le patrimoine génétique : la diversité et la ressource", La Châtre, 14-15-16 octobre 2002: 349-368.

González-Martínez S.C., Gerber S., Cervera M.T., Martínez-Zapater J.M., AlíaR., Gil L. 2003. Selfing and sibship structure in a two-cohort stand of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) using nuclear SSR markers. Ann. For. Sci. 60: 115–121.

Gerber S., Chabrier P., Kremer A. 2003. FaMoz: a software for parentage analysis using dominant, codominant and uniparentally inherited markers. Molecular Ecology Notes 3: 479-481.

Chaix G., Gerber S., Razafimaharo V., Vigneron P., Verhaegen D., Hamon S. 2003. Gene flow estimation with microsatellites in a Malagasy seed orchard of Eucalyptus grandis. Theor. Appl. Genet.107: 705–712.

Ribeiro M.M., LeProvost G., Gerber S., Vendramin G.G., Anzidei M., Decroocq S., Marpeau A., Mariette S., Plomion C. 2002. Origin identification of maritime pine stands in France using chloroplast simple-sequence repeats. Ann. For. Sci. 59: 53-62.

Plomion C., LeProvost G., Pot D., Vendramin G.G., Gerber S., Decroocq S., Brach J., Raffin A., Pastuszka P. 2001. Pollen contamination in a maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.) polycross seed orchard and certification of improved seeds using cpSSR. Can. J. For. Res. 31: 1816-1825.

Gerber S., Streiff R., Bodénès C., Mariette S., Kremer, A., 2000b. Comparison of microsatellites and AFLP markers for parentage analysis. Molecular Ecology, 9: 1037-1048.

Goffinet B., Gerber S., 2000. Quantitative trait loci: a meta-analysis, Genetics 155: 463-473

Gerber S., Fabre F., Planchon C., 2000a. Genetic of seed quality in soybean analysed by capillary gel electrophoresis. Plant Science 152 (2): 181-189.

Lexer C., Heinze B., Gerber S., Kampfer-Macalka S., Steinkellner H., Kremer A., GlösslJ., 2000. Microsatellite analysis of maternal half-sib families of Quercus robur, pedunculate oak (II): Inferring the number of pollen donors from the offspring. Theor. Appl. Genet. 100: 858-865

Gerber S., Lascoux M., Kremer A., 1997. Relation between protein markers and quantitative traits in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.). Silvae Genetica 46(5): 286-291

de Vienne D., Burstin J., Gerber S., Leonardi A., Le Guilloux M., Murigneux A., Beckert M., Bahrman N., Damerval C., Zivy M., 1996. Two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins as a source of monogenic, codominant markers for population genetics and mapping the expressed genome. Heredity (76): 166-177.

Gerber S., Baradat P., Marpeau A., Arbez M., 1995. Geographic variation in terpene composition of Pinus nigra ARN. Forest Genetics 2(1): 1-10.

Gerber S., Rodolphe F., 1994. Estimation and test for linkage between markers: a comparison of lod score and X2 test in a linkage study of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 88: 293-297.

Gerber S., Rodolphe F., 1994. An estimation of the genome length of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 88: 289-292.

Gerber S., Rodolphe F., Bahrman N., Baradat P., 1993. Seed protein variations of a pine (Pinus pinaster Ait) revealed by two-dimensional electrophoresis: genetic determinism and construction of a linkage map. Theor. Appl. Genet. 85: 521-528.

Imberty A., Gerber S., Tran V., Perez S., 1990. Data bank of Three-dimensional structures of disaccharides, a tool to build 3-D structures of oligosaccharides. Glycoconjugate Journal 7: 27-54.


FaMoz, a software for parentage studies
FaMoz, a software written in the C language and in TclTk, with the support of Patrick Chabrier
(INRA, Biometrics and Artificial Intelligence, Toulouse) uses likelihood calculation and simulation
to perform parentage studies with codominant, dominant and cytoplasmic markers
(see Gerber et al. 2000b, Gerber et al. 2003).
The software FaMoz, an acronym for "Father/Mother", is freely available on internet

Last modified on November 2023